Secrets of a French Maid (1980) (2025)

Secrets of a French Maid (1980) (1)

Secrets of a French Maid (1980) (2)

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Die Nichten der Frau Oberst

Directed by Erwin C. Dietrich


A naked adventure in sexual discovery!

Frau Oberst has 2 young nieces who are very open with their sexuality. She hopes to find adequate lovers for her nieces and along the way finds herself in some precarious sexual situations. After a series of sexual encounters between just about everyone at the estate, the Countess drops by for a party where the nieces announce their wedding intentions.

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  • Cast
  • Crew
  • Details
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  • Releases


Karine Gambier Brigitte Lahaie Nadine Pascal France Lomay Cathy Stewart Pascale Vital Will Stoer Mike Montana Hans-Ruedi Isler Eric Falk Sir John


Erwin C. Dietrich


Erwin C. Dietrich


Christine Lembach Erwin C. Dietrich

Original WriterOriginal Writer

Guy de Maupassant


Marie-Luise Buschke


Peter Baumgartner

Executive ProducerExec. Producer

David Sullivan

Set DecorationSet Decoration

Pierre Gobet


Walter Baumgartner


Rolf Alt


Roldvale Ltd Elite Film





Alternative Titles

Come Play with Me 2, Las experiencias sexuales de la señora Oberst y sus sobrinas, The Colonel's Nieces, Les bourgeoises de l'amour, The Nieces of Mrs Colonel, 上校夫人的年轻侄女们, Las sobrinas de la señora Oberst, Nepoatele doamnei Oberst, Племянницы госпожи полковницы, Siostrzenice pani pułkownikowej



Releases by Date

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18 Jan 1980
  • Secrets of a French Maid (1980) (3)Germany18
  • Secrets of a French Maid (1980) (4)Switzerland

13 Oct 1980
  • Secrets of a French Maid (1980) (5)USA

22 Jan 1982
  • Secrets of a French Maid (1980) (6)Spain18

Releases by Country

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  • Date
  • Country
Secrets of a French Maid (1980) (7)Germany
18 Jan 1980
  • Theatrical18
Secrets of a French Maid (1980) (8)Spain
22 Jan 1982
  • Theatrical18"S"
Secrets of a French Maid (1980) (9)Switzerland
18 Jan 1980
  • Theatrical
Secrets of a French Maid (1980) (10)USA
13 Oct 1980
  • Theatrical

88mins More atIMDbTMDb Report this page

Popular reviews

  • Review by Adrian ☕🥐 ★★★½

    --- Remake of the 1969 film with the same name. The plot of the first movie is mostly gone. What's left are some of the key characters and the same people behind the camera. The movie plays out like a rotation of different erotic scenes.
    It could totally fall flat but it doesn't. Mainly because of the beautiful women and the beautiful locations that are captured perfectly through Peter Baumgartner's camera-lense. He said in an interview that he thinks that this is one of his best films (from the cinematography point of view). I 100% agree with him. The film simply looks stunning: lighting, camera movements, colors, everything.
    The music by Walter Baumgartner is good too. I think the music pieces are all new. At least I can't recall hearing them before.
    One of Dietrich's best Sexploitation flicks.

    E. C. Dietrich (ranked)

  • Review by Bloodspiller🩸 ★★★½

    Wonderfully shot and light, the whole film just seems like a vacation. Plus I consider all films arthouse films when the subtitles get out of sync.

  • Review by PacificNil ★★★

    Audiokommentar von Erwin C. Dietrich (Regisseur), Eric Falk (Darsteller) und Uwe Huber

    - Dietrich gelang es, eine FSK-Freigabe für den Film "Die Nichten der Frau Oberst" zu bekommen, weil der Film aufgrund seiner Ästhetik einen hochwertigen Eindruck machte und die FSK deswegen ein Auge zudrückte, zudem, weil Dietrich konsequent die Strategie verfolgte, seine Filme immer nur dann prüfen zu lassen, wenn Horst von Hartlieb, der als besonders scharf geltende Gründervater der FSK, nicht prüfte.
    - 1985 wurde der Film indiziert, weil man ihn sich für 1 DM leihen konnte (Die Befürchtung der BPS war wohl, dass Filme, die so wenig Leihgebühr kosten, zu leicht erschwinglich für Jugendliche sind). Nach Zeitablauf von 25 Jahren ist der Film jetzt wieder frei.

  • Review by Aaron ★★★½

    This movie is wonderfully absurd. The title's borderline nonsense, the folks in this film might be French, but the maid's a tertiary character at best, and nobody in this house has a single secret. If the women are dressed, it's in flowy, white diaphanous gowns with nothing underneath or something fancier and sexier, but, still, with nothing underneath. There's no plot to speak of, sexy widow Frau Oberst's (Karine Gambler) super foxy nieces (Brigitte Lahaie, Pascale Vital) come to live with her and we’re treated to scene after scene of good-looking people in great-looking sets and locations naked and getting down. The cinematography and camera are legitimately excellent and creative. We get some very intimate views of the ladies and…

  • Review by PacificNil ★★★

    "Die Nichten der Frau Oberst" besitzt noch Elemente der Erstverfilmung von 1968, die ebenfalls von Erwin C. Dietrich gedreht und von Kameramann Peter Baumgartner in Szene gesetzt wurde, jedoch keine mehr des gleichnamigen Romans von 1886. Die schönen Naturaufnahmen des Vorgängers sind etwas weniger geworden, sorgen aber noch immer für eine angenehme schwüle Stimmung, die den Film durchzieht, die Ansichten auf die weibliche Natur haben dagegen zugenommen.

  • Review by Simon Lang ★★★

    A celebration of horniness, beautifully lensed and scored. The female cast is gorgeous to look at and the sex scenes are mostly tasteful, but don't expect more since there isn't much of a plot here. It gets repetitive after a while and tends to meander, but then again, nobody is watching an Erwin C. Dietrich flick for its plot and character development.

  • Review by William Babin ★★

    Brigitte Lahaie and Karine Gambier are always a pleasure to see.
    Lots of T and A but pretty boring.

  • Review by Michael_Elliott ★★

    Madame Yanne (Karine Gambier) is left a widow at a rather young age but she doesn't have the spice needed to fully explore her sexuality. This all changes after seeing her two young nieces (Brigitte Lahaie, Pascale Vital) being able and willing to take on anything sexually.

    Also known as COME PLAY WITH ME 2, this Swedish film comes from director-producer Erwin C. Dietrich who is probably best remembered for the films he produced for Spanish director Jess Franco. If you're familiar with the work of Dietrich then you should already know that the story isn't the most important thing. No, the story takes a back seat to the various sex scenes and if that's what you're looking for then…

  • Review by Joshua David Martin ★★★½

    Startlingly few maids orsecrets in this movie.

    Extra half star for the absolutely ridiculous English dub Full Moon threw on here. You think you don’t watch these movies for the dialogue, but that would be a mistake.

  • Review by Maribor Šampijon ★★★

    Brigitte Lahaie is a babe of the highest order. Mamma mia

  • Review by Gerald Kuklinski ★★★

    Zum 10-jährigen Jubiläum seines größten Filmerfolges, „Die Nichten der Frau Oberst“ (1968) begann Erwin C. Dietrich über dieses Remake nachzudenken. 1979 beginnen die Dreharbeiten in der Schweiz, und er greift bei den Darstellern auf Besetzungen seiner Schwedinnen-Filme zurück. Auch beim Team setzt er auf Altbewährtes, Walter Baumgartner komponiert einen neuen und sehr schönen Soundtrack, an der Kamera ist wie schon beim Original Peter Baumgartner.
    Als Fehlbesetzung würde ich Karine Gambier in der Rolle der Frau Oberst bezeichnen, ich finde die Frau wahnsinnig unerotisch. Als Nichten Julia und Florentine sieht man Brigitte Lahaie und Pascale Vital. Letztere kann auch mit ihrem Talent als Springreiterin beeindrucken, denn sie wurde hierfür deutlich sichtbar nicht gedoubelt. Man sollte Pornodarstellerinnen nicht unterschätzen, nur weil sie…

  • Review by 𝒜.* ½

    i don't know why i watch this kind of shit

Secrets of a French Maid (1980) (2025)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Views: 5381

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (78 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

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Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.