1. https://www.cda-amc.ca/drr-table/export
... Cancer","Reimburse with clinical criteria and/or conditions",Complete,"Feb ... Kanuma,"sebelipase alfa","Lysosomal acid lipase deficiency","Reimburse ...
"Brand Name","Generic Name","Therapeutic Area","Recommendation Type","Project Status","Date Submission Received","Date Recommendation Issued","Project Number",Manufacturer Abraxane,Nab-paclitaxel,"Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer","Reimburse with clinical criteria and/or conditions",Complete,"Feb 14, 2014","Sep 23, 2014",PC0037-000,"Celgene Inc." Adcetris,"Brentuximab Vedotin","peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL)",Reimburse,Complete,"Oct 8, 2019","Jun 4, 2020",PC0199-000,"Seattle Genetics, Inc." Adcetris,"Brentuximab Vedotin","Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) in combination with doxorubicin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine (AVD)","Reimburse with clinical criteria and/or conditions",Complete,"Apr 2, 2020","Dec 3, 2020",PC0214-000,"Seattle Genetics, Inc." Adcetris,"Brentuximab vedotin","Systemic Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma","Reimburse with clinical criteria and/or conditions",Complete,"Mar 15, 2013","Dec 5, 2013",PC0021-000,"Seattle Genetics, Inc." Adcetris,"Brentuximab Vedotin","Primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell Lymphoma (pcALCL) or CD30-expressing mycosis fungoides (MF)","Reimburse with clinical criteria and/or conditions",Complete,"Mar 30, 2020","Dec 3, 2020",PC0213-000,"Seattle Genetics, Inc." Adcetris,"Brentuximab Vedotin","HL at high risk of relapse or progression post-ASCT","Reimburse with clinical criteria and/or conditions",Complete,"Aug 10, 2017","Feb 21, 2018",PC0116-000,"Seattle Genetics, Inc." Adcetris,"Brentuximab vedotin","Hodgkin Lymphoma","Reimburse with clinical criteria...
2. Conventional DNA-Damaging Cancer Therapies and Emerging cGAS ...
As part of the review, we discuss an emerging “chemoimmunotherapy” concept where the DNA-damaging activity of these conventional therapies can potentially be ...
The cGAS-STING cellular signaling pathway is a key member of the DNA damage response, whose role is to repair the DNA damage that occurs naturally during the life of a cell. Interestingly, cGAS-STING is known to promote immune responses against ...
3. [PDF] University of Groningen Marker discovery for response to (chemo ...
To our knowledge, this is the first study investigating pERK protein expression in cervical cancer. Activated ERK was not related to response to therapy, nor to ...
4. [PDF] Publication_Agenda CHMP 22-25 July 2019
25 jul 2019 · ... cancer (NSCLC) who do not have EGFR mutant or. ALK-positive NSCLC; as a consequence, sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.8 and 5.1 of the SmPC are updated.
5. Non-nucleoside structured compounds with antiviral activity ...
This review aims to provide an overview of selected synthetic antiviral agents not associated to nucleosides developed against human viruses.
Nucleosides and their derivatives are a well-known and well-described class of compounds with antiviral activity. Currently, in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, scientists are also looking for compounds not related to nucleosides with antiviral ...
6. [PDF] Molecular markers for diagnosis and prognosis in cervical neoplasia
Despite this change, the 5-year survival in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer is still around 52% [1]. ... Faried LS, Faried A, Kanuma T, et al.
7. [PDF] 2024 Part B PA/ST Drug Grid
Anti-Neoplastic: Breast Cancer. J9258. Injection, paclitaxel protein-bound ... have moderate-to- severe immune compromise due to a medical condition or ...
8. Different patterns of p16 immunoreactivity in cervical biopsies
[23] Agoff N., Lin P., Morihara J., Mao C., Kiviat N., Koutsky L.: “p16INK4a expression correlates with degree of cervical neoplasia: a comparison with Ki-67 ...
p16 is one extensively studied marker in gynecological pathology. However, its routine application in the diagnosis of squamous intraepithelial lesions of the uterine cervix may present difficulties for the general pathologist. The aim of the present study was to examine a series of 100 cervical biopsies/LEEP specimens, with detailed HPV-typing, for patterns of p16 immunoreactivity and possible correlations with morphology and HPV types. Four patterns of immunopositivity were recognized, according to the distribution of positively stained cells, and these correlated to lesion grade. A review of the pertinent literature concerning p16 immunoreactivity in squamous intraepithelial lesions and nonneoplastic epithelia of the uterine cervix is included in an effort to summarize the existing data and the remaining questions at both the practical and theoretical level.
9. Red Amber List - Interface Pharmacist Network Specialist Medicines
Inclusion in this list does NOT imply the medicine has been accepted for use ... When used as a systemic anti-cancer therapy or for manifestations of tuberous ...
10. Cancer Research and Treatment
While the overall cancer incidence in Korea has increased rapidly, age-standardized cancer mortality rates have declined since 2002 and survival has improved.
Advanced Search
11. [PDF] Medicare Part B Medical Drugs requiring preauthorization
Health, but does not have a “cancer” diagnosis, the request should go to Express Script's Care Continuum ... Kanuma. J2840. Injection, sebelipase alfa, 1 mg.
12. Human papillomavirus entry into NK cells requires CD16 ... - ORBi
... carcinoma is characterized by ... et al., Activating NK cell receptor ligands are differentially expressed during progression to cervical cancer.
Copyright (c) 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
13. [XLS] TAs with commercial arrangement - NICE
Kanuma, Sebelipase alfa for treating Wolman disease, Alexion, CAA ... cancer that has not been previously treated with an ALK inhibitor, Takeda, PAS ...
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14. [PDF] CVS Specialty® Pharmacy Distribution Drug List
1 jan 2025 · The is a guide of medications available and distributed through CVS Specialty. Our goal is to help make your life better. With more than 40 ...
15. [PDF] June 2024 - Mercy Provider Network
11 jun 2024 · Circulating Tumor Cells and Cell-Free DNA in the Management of Patients with Cancer, ... does not have the. ABCBS claim number in their system.